Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our summer will be ending with...

Open Heart Surgery in 4-6 weeks!

We had Jillian's routine cardiology visit today, the one that doesn't require an MRI just a chest xray, EKG and a quick listen by Dr. Everitt.  At least that is how this appointment has always gone, today we had an unscheduled echo. We found out that her heart is more enlarged with some fluid around her lungs.  She has started to lose weight, which she can't afford to do.  Over half the blood being pumped through her pulmonary valve to her lungs is leaking back through the valve and pooling in her right ventricle causing her heart to work at least twice as hard, in turn burning every calorie she eats which makes it impossible to gain weight and now even causing her to lose!

I always knew it was a matter of "when" not "if" but I still can't believe it is time!  She will spend at least 7 days in the hospital and a full 6 weeks recovering at home (if all goes as planned!)  Which will more than likely mean she will start school a few weeks late, which she is sad about!

I will update when we find out the exact date for surgery.


  1. PATTI! I have a lump in my throat reading this...but know she is so strong and will be such a fighter during the whole process. I'll be here for anything you need!

  2. Oh my. You are so positive and just go with it. Good luck with it all. Let me know when I can bring you a dinner. I would love to!

  3. So sorry Patti. Try to imagine how nice it will be when the surgery is over and you will no longer have to wonder "when". I'll be thinknig about you guys and praying for the very best outcome for your little girl.

  4. So sorry to hear this Patti. I hope all goes well!

  5. oh wow. I'm so sorry to hear she will be going in again so soon.
    Two of my sisters had open heart surgery when they are itty bitty like Jillian and both are expected to need pacemakers soon. ugh

    Will be praying all goes well and smoothly for your sweet girl.

  6. Goosebumps! I guessing always knowing when not if was a good thing. She's such a sweetie, what a trooper. We'll keep your family in our prayers.

  7. Our prayers are with you and your family! May He protect you and Jillian and give you all that you need to get through this.

  8. I don't think my reply went out on the simonfam website, but all of you, especially Jilly will be in our prayers. Wish we could be up there so I could help with the babysitting!

  9. Man, what a way to end summer- gotta love those suprise appointments! It seem like everytime I think the appointment will be routine, it never is. And then when I think the appointment will be a big deal, it isn't. I will be following for the details, and pray all goes well.
